
Despont Thierry W.

  • Vydavateľstvo: Assouline
  • Jazyk: anglicky
  • Väzba: Knihy viazané
  • Počet strán: 104
  • Rok a mesiac vydania: 2012/03
  • EAN: 9782843237959
  • Formát: 430×340×30 mm, 2395g

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150 €

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O knihe

Combining geometrical purity and gestural grandeur, Thierry W. Despont combines architectural skills and painter´s virtuosity in this spectacular COLLECTION of majestic, daunting and singularly attracting orbs, turning his struggle with corrosive materials and richly textured pigments into a spiritual achievement. A compound of restless collage and swirling pigments, each orb is animated by a life of its own: colorful magma breaking through the scorched surface of the canvas, white streaks flickering against the encroaching and abysmal darkness of a stark black background that seems about to engulf it. Mysterious and luminous, intimate and remote, they conjure up the awe of man in front of a cosmic world he both reveres and dreads. Beyond the eruptive, cataclysmic forces animating them, the orbs are inwardly radiant, animated by a life that seems to emerge from their depths.

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